MEDITERRANEA is a feature film based on the award-winning Venice Film Festival short A Chjana. Written and directed by Jonas Carpignano, the film centers on Ayiva, a young migrant worker who seeks to reunite with his best friend in the wake of the most significant race riot in Italian history. Inspired by a true story, the film is especially timely in the wake of the current migrant crises taking place in the Mediterranean. “Mediterranea” was recently named a Critics Week entry in the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, garnering critical raves from Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, The L.A. Times, The Guardian and The Atlantic, to name a few.
Alassane Sy, Koudous Seihon, Francesco Papasergio
Hyperion Media
Jonas Carpignano
Michael Mailis
Chris Columbus, Eleanor Columbus, Jason Berman, Jonas Carpignano, Ryan Lough, John Lesher